Monday, July 9, 2012

Tata Nano v/s Cadbury Silk

you might be thinking .... wat a weird combination !! cadbury V/S car ... !! !!

its not regarding the product but the strategiyes that they have used....both faced the same problem but one is succes and other is a failure ..... take a look ... enjoy reading ....

For the first time in my life I purchased a product looking at the advertisement.

"Cadbury Silk".

 As a MBA student, I know how these adds are made and how much fake is presented against public by some rosy stars and people actually buy the product just looking at the advertisements .

I Still remember, while I was in Surat, undergoing my training in PepsiCo, I was given the task to sell "Getorade" in my area and one retailer asked me weather company will give a good add of Getorade on TV?

I said "yes"

He Exclaimed  "then I am ready to purchase. Here people will even buy poison if good adds are shown !!!"
(I completely agree to his point)  

This is called a "BRAND" - People will eat even poison if add shows that it will kill you without any pain and make 'Hittler', as Brand ambassador.  

In the world of brand - it is said "when u have to put the product in the mind of people, you should attach a specific identity with your product"

Say for example: If you think of mobile, it is Nokia or Samsung…... when u think of a tuff car, it is Tata safari……. if u think of an antiseptic liquid; its Dettol…..if u think of an MBA college, Its IIMs. …. If u think of a good millage bike, its Hero ……... and the list goes on …. And slowly and steadily it starts "ruling the mind of people"

Now, all this is based on their branding that they do while advertising.  while advertising, all companies have to see to it that they offer something new and unique in their product to customers.

When it comes to FMCG products advertisements: some companies focus on price, some in odor, some on weight, others on whiteness and etc …

When it is comes to home appliances advertisements: companies concentrate on power saving, some on advanced technologies, other concentrate on styles and looks

Now coming to the story that I want to share of TATA NANO ..….

All knows, the project is a big failure. Management gurus and entrepreneurs from all over the world have given reasons like - product launch  was in wrong segment, week design, low engine capacity and much more reasons…..

Now, if people are ready to purchase poison because of branding, this is TATA NANO….how can this be a failure ?

The tag line of Nano is " Kusiyo ki Chabi" … but the tag line in the mind of people for Nano is "duniya ki subse sasti car"

This was the line which hindered the sale of Nano,….. WHY will a common man buy a cheapest car in a country like India where neighbors are always ready to pull legs.

"the cheapest car ?!?!" this line hurts who so ever buys that car…..

On the Contrary, look at Cadbury Silk ..

It’s the worst product I have ever had I my life, because it spoils my whole mouth and I have to lick my lips, fingers and even her fingers at times …. Yuksss … eeee … …

but look at the way they gave a start to the product; what a fantastic and emotional add they have made. The sensation we hate about the product, they took the same think and presented in a positive and emotional way, that licking your fingers is not eeeee or Yuks, it’s a sigh of true friendship …..  

TATA could not do this …..they could not convert mentality of people in a positive way to force them to buy the cheapest car !!!!